Treating Sports Differently
Sports have evolved into a critical part of the country’s fabric. Millions of Americans play sports, and many aspire to be successful professional athletes. However, with sports, especially contact sports, comes the risk of injury and the need for specialized care. As a result, sports medicine specialists were created to meet that demand. These are general medical professionals with additional training to treat sports injuries. The goal is to reduce pain and get athletes back in action as soon as possible. None is as critical for an athlete’s health as an orthopedic surgeon. These surgeons tackle sports injuries to reduce pain, repair damage, and get athletes back to the sport.
Your neighborhood orthopedic surgeon
Orthopedic surgeons are specialists in the bones, ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles, and nerves. These doctors are trained and qualified to diagnose and treat various conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons can also assist with patient rehabilitation and develop strategies to help prevent injury or keep chronic conditions from worsening. This is especially useful for athletes. Some orthopedic surgeons even choose to specialize in sports medicine and sports-related injuries. These may include spine, shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee, foot, and ankle injuries.
Were you injured on the field?
There are times when athletes will need the skills and specialties of an orthopedic surgeon. Sports injuries are the most prominent and common reason. Collisions on the field or court are inevitable. Some athletes may twist or turn awkwardly, causing injury. Sports like football have a high incidence of injuries. These injuries can cause pain, swelling, discomfort, and reduced playing time.
Are your joint and muscle pain persistent?
Joint pain and swelling happen from overuse or the rigors of sports. The pain usually subsides with ice therapy, massage, or physical therapy. However, if the pain is chronic, lasting several weeks or more, there may be an underlying issue. For example, some patients may have a sprained ligament or cartilage damage causing constant pain. The surgeon can perform physical exams to diagnose and treat the problem.
Have you lost ROM?
Athletes need a full range of motion (ROM) to perform at the highest level. For example, golfers need hips and back to go through a full rotation in a swing. Baseball players need the arms, shoulders, and hips for pitching and swinging. If there is stiffness and pain when extending these joints, there may be cause for concern. An orthopedic surgeon can perform tests to determine what’s causing the reduced ROM and suggest therapy.
Are you worried about your performance?
Recovery from a previous injury and surgery is vital to the future movement of a patient. Proper recovery is even more crucial for future success and game time for athletes. The athlete may have concerns about re-injury or an injury to a nearby joint or muscle. To ease any concerns, schedule a consultation with a surgeon. The surgeon can assess the strength and integrity of previous surgery or highlight possible dangers.
Trust your surgeon
Consulting a surgeon does not always mean a patient needs surgery. Orthopedic surgeons can advise on best practices to remain injury-free. These doctors provide top-quality care if there is pain, swelling, or an apparent injury. These include pain management, regenerative medicine, or surgery. If surgery is necessary, there are several minimally invasive procedures available today. These procedures ensure that the patient has fewer scars and a faster recovery time. Don’t hesitate to lean on the expertise of an orthopedic surgeon.